9 Ways To Increase Your Child’s Self Esteem!
How to increase your child’s self esteem is an extremely important skill that every parent needs to have in their toolbox. In this article we will discover why self esteem is so important and things to do to increase self esteem in our children!
Best Advice On How To Build Resilience In Children
This article discusses how to build resilience in children. What is resilience, what composes an individuals resilience and how can we help nurture our children as well as build their resilience?
11 Benefits Of Coloring For Teens & Children!
Did you know that coloring can provide many benefits for mental health? If you would like your child to be able to focus on their school work and learn with clarity of mind, you should focus on coloring and other creative activities. Art therapy is successful at helping mental health conditions and is used as inpatient therapy. If inpatient therapy uses practices like coloring to help patients, how much can it assist stressed out kids and students? The Benefits of Coloring for Focus and Clarity Two studies were conducted at the University of West England, to study the benefits of coloring in pictures. In the first study, it was found…